Friday, September 12, 2008
Must I and others cater to the unreasonable fears of others?
The situation was one of a person having unreasonable fears of my dog off leash. My dog does not go near people, so I found this person's intrusion into my peaceful world, a law induced and encouraged act of social hatred.
This person harangued me mercilessly. yet I had done nothing to her, except walk by. My dog stays put where I tell him and is not in the least interested in her, nor anyone. If approached, he runs.
Therefore without any intrusion into her space, I demand the right to walk by peacefully. People who have unreasonable hatred or fears of dogs should deal with it.
I have a well grounded, scientifically substantiated fear of the burning of fossil fuels and what that will do to the environment and the chances for the survival of my offspring. I have personally given up my addiction to gasoline four years ago, and wish to breath clean air. Let's cater to that first, please!
Leash laws? Fack off and pick up the crap that comes out of tailpipes, first! Before city/state harassment of my dog can occur over something the has been a normal part of human canine co-existence for at least one half million years without any serious problem, I want something done about the motor vehicle, which is proving to be the end of human existence in 80 years.
I demand something be done about the real threats to me. I'm tired of catering to the lowest bovine denominator by our politicians, so that these lack luster corrupt morons can keep choking the life out of my society with poor legislation spurred on by inciting fools into hatred and then catering to that while their business friend's investments soar keeping pollution intact.
Only recently did Canada spend more than 20 billion dollars to cater to GWB's unreasonable fears of terrorism. These supporters of social fear mongering are christians who don't mind killing a million Iraqis to placate their propaganda induced fears. Nor spending a trillion dollars to create more instability, instead of following what it says in their bible-- turn the other cheek, make peace- war begets only war. What ye soweth, so shall ye reap.
There is never a need to cater to another's unreasonable fears. Let them deal with them, otherwise we have the rule of those who enjoy hating. Eh, Mr. Harper? Politicians who use the lever of fear are not to be trusted.
Harper's campaign office is filled with haters, run by fraudsters like Mr. Emerson.
If my dog and I walk by someone and they make a fuss about being afraid of my dog, even after we are far past them, I see an oppressive idiot trying to assert their illusions into my world. This is not on! when my dog and I have walked by them in peaceful innocence. Not for the votes of the "law" abiding orientals will I cater too this idiocy.
I don't trust people who eat dogs and try to make me and my dog out as a problem because of their social training. Not on. You want the freedom to drive a polluting vehicle in my environment I will have the right to keep my dog in peace!
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